Technology News

December 17, 2007

VS 2008 and .NET 3.5 Training Kit

Filed under: Design Patterns, Microsoft Promotion, Silverlight, Tips — చక్రవర్తి @ 2:28 pm

The Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Training Kit includes presentations, hands-on labs, and demos. This content is designed to help you learn how to utilize the Visual Studio 2008 features and a variety of framework technologies including: LINQ, C# 3.0, Visual Basic 9, WCF, WF, WPF, ASP.NET AJAX, VSTO, CardSpace, SilverLight, Mobile and Application Lifecycle Management.

I’ve downloaded this, if any one require this, you can drop me a mail or can collect from me.

June 26, 2006

Designing Apps with .NET

Filed under: C# 3.0, Code, Design Patterns, Presentations, Self, Tips — చక్రవర్తి @ 5:51 pm

A presentation that i recollected from my old mails. Can you talk about this?

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