Technology News

January 21, 2010

Bill Gates started a website

Filed under: 2010, 21, First, January, Microsoft Promotion, Thursday — Tags: — చక్రవర్తి @ 3:10 pm

Microsoft’s co-founder, Bill Gates started a new website about his leanings and thoughts that are cooking in his mind. It is really good to know such transparent information from a person like him.

Every January, he writes a news letter to all the employees of Microsoft and shares his ideas to them. This year is some thing different. Why only the Microsofties know about him, not the world. From this thought is raised a new concept of sharing via web.

Did you see this web, the Gates Notes. It has various sections like, Thinking, Learning, Travel, blah.. blah .. Why don’t you go there and start exploring more about him.

BTW don’t forget to convey this to your friends..

January 8, 2008

Standards @ Microsoft

Filed under: Blogroll, First, Microsoft Promotion — చక్రవర్తి @ 11:56 am

With the new year roll out, Microsoft has initiated a new website with the caption as mentioned at the subject of this post. Yes, they are starting a new initiative with all the Standards that are in place with the industry giants and the best out of Individuals, Corporations, Academics, who not … every one .. is the link for all such standards. The initial thought for this resulted from the Interop team. They have a separate home for them as The history has 2 yrs old story to come out with such standards towards Interoperability. And finally they are with the standards that are in best practice with industry.

I just started going through one by one.. did you ??

December 11, 2007

Laptop under $100

Filed under: First, Microsoft Promotion, Tips — చక్రవర్తి @ 5:47 pm

That’s true, you read the title correct. BBC recently wrote about this on 6th Dec 08. Microsoft is working out towards the XP operating system to be a reality on the co called $100 laptop or XO. If things go as scheduled, $100 Laptop or XO will be a reality by the mid 2008.

James Utzschneider, GM for Marketing and Communications from Microsoft, wrote about this at his blog. According to him, about 40 engineers are working towards mid 2008 to come out with a production-quality release. The XO laptop works with 1GB Flash memory, when compared with traditional Hard Disk Drive.

OLPC, One Laptop Per Child, organisation is having a great idea towards making this product into a reality. During June 2008, Intel announced a laptop under $220 with a title as “Classmate PC“. This is similar to that of XO laptop, but some of the basic difference is kind of 2GB Flash memory in ClassmatePC, where as 1GB in XO laptop.

These kind of laptops are really good towards educating the next generation kids towards the technology. Isn’t a great work..

August 24, 2007

C# 3.0 – What’s New : {Implicit}-Part1

Filed under: C# 3.0, Code, First, Tips — చక్రవర్తి @ 10:52 am

Recent development in my technical life is that, started working out with Orcas Beta 2. So, thought to blog about the latest happenings with C# language. The idea emerged to start a series of posts related to C# new features. This is the first of ever such kind of blogging specific to a topic.

C# 3.0 has many-a-new features. To start with, let me take a concept of Implicitly Typed Variables.

Implicitly Typed Variables

In the good old days, the developer has to worry about the type of the variable. Say for instance, whether to use long or double for a counter. Here all that we observe is that the language that is built upon is the type specific. Hence forth the developer is not required to define the type of the variable at the time of declaration, but it is the task of the compiler to decide what type of the object the variable is. All that the developer has to do is that, use the var keyword while declaring the variable, similar to that of JScript or Visual Basic style. Hey!!! Stop!!!!! don’t get confuse with the type of VAR variables declared at JScript or Visual basic.

Let’s first discuss the difference between VAR variables at JScript and VAR variables of C#

VAR JScript VAR C#
This is of no type The type of the variable is defined by the value declared and decided at the compile time
Technically have no type. Can consider of limited types, namely, string literal, numeric, boolean Type agnostic, have specific predefined formats
Type conversion is coercion Type casting is simple and handled by CLR
No mechanism for parsing explicit functions for parsing to specific type

Now, let us see the difference between the language specific VAR of VisualBasic 6.0 and C# 3.0

VAR in VB (but not .NET) VAR in C# 3.0
By definition, these are Variant Type of the variable is defined at the compile time
Could be any allowed type from with in the known types of the language Type is decided by the value associated with the variable
Largest among all the known data types Size depends on the type of the value initialised

To summarize, the variables declared in C# 3.0 are type specific, thou used the key word VAR, during the declaration. Thus, we can conclude that the compiler is the responsible point to decide the type of the variable. Hence we can say with comfort that, the variables from C# 3.0 are Implicitly Typed variables.

Some examples as mentioned below.

            var vIntVal = 10; // This will be the System.Int32 type
            var vLongVal = 10000000000; // This will be the System.Int64 type
            var vDoubleVal = 10.0; // This will be the System.Double type
            var vFloatVal = 10.0f; // This will be the System.Single type
            float vFlVal = 10.0f; // Thou defined using float key word, but inherits from Struct System.Single 
            var vStrVal = "String Value ";  // This will be the System.String type

So, from the above declarations, it is pretty clear that the variable is defined by the value associated during the declaration. The type is not just limited to the kind of data types as explained above, but you can extend this to any type of the variable that you use while writing code for iterations, similar such as foreach. Below is the example for other known types.

            foreach (var vTable in ds.Tables) // Implicitly declared a variable of Data Table Type
                foreach (var vRow in ((DataTable) vTable).Rows) // Implicit declaration of DataRow variable


By using such, one can extend any extent. The limit is the imagination of the developer. What do you say?


1) for JScript
2) for Visual Basic 6.0 Datatypes Tags: , , , ,

August 4, 2007

Posting from Laptop

Filed under: First — చక్రవర్తి @ 10:37 pm

This is the first time am posting from laptop. This laptop is provided by my employer, let’s see how this will increase my blogging attitude.

November 22, 2005

Hello world!

Filed under: First — చక్రవర్తి @ 4:44 am

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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